Wednesday, July 15, 2009

आई AND i

आई। And I''.

both the words sound the same, yet, theres a sea of diference between them. one is all about selflessness, one id all about selfishness.

FYI, I in marathi means 'mother' . And the I me myself wala I is all too common with all of us.
Nothin can match a mothers love, whichever species....still remeber that bitch, carrying a roti in her mouth, n crossing the road in full torrential rains, she was taking food for her puppies..and well, she got smashed on the raod,...that roti still danglish out of her bloddied face....

yesterday, the scene was bad, wen one of relatives, someones mother and someones wife, expired.

the 6 year old daughter, so attachedto mom, dint know wat was happening. but yes she was informed that mom is no more....she cried a lot...tho every sweet lil diversion like toys, or funny antics done with her. did manage to drag her away from reality and let her be a kid....all for a fewmoments...wife was entertaining her, the small kid ananya, and she was telling the kid stories n poems n such ryme...copy cat, stole a rat, tell ur momma to make u fat...we think kids dont understand, but well, the lil one burst out in tears...and, i dont have my mom..she will never come back , haina, aunty??
the next most touching moment was wen the body was being taken into a morgue van, and the last prayers...almost thru, the kid, was standing next to a car...n it was raining heavbily...the car ac was on inside, and she started writing with her fingers...on that frsoty mom my mother, my mamma....
the child has been devasted for life....but life will go on, it has to go on....

Monday, July 13, 2009

July 13th, 09

What a day! To begin with!
A fight with wife, a breakdown of my bike, a cop catching me during a nakabandhi( of course, leaving me in 1 minute also)….15 missed calls while im on my way to office…and those turned out to be a creadit card agents calls….thx god, im out of credit cards, im only into bigger debts hahahaha.
A debt to bring back my wife’s lost months. A debt of double rent, double salaries to my guys who take care of my dogs, a debt of placing a guy in my friends restaurant, a debt towards helping guruji with his brochure for a gaushala, a debt to a friend to give him a treat of 2 beers, which is pending for 2 years….and yes, in nominal n worldly terms, a debt of 90k to be cleared…life moves on, time will. Time n destiney can be shaped the way u want it…thts jus a personal belief.

36 cops slaughtered at the chatisgarh-maharashtra border. Just yesterday, we heard PC Chidambaram talking about the biggest threat to the country..its not Pakistan, it’s the Maoists, who are doing not meow meow, but now growling in more than 137 districts of the country. We wont even know the names of al those brave soldies who died, o yes, we know the name of the IPS officer who was martyrd- V K Choubey.

Reminds me of another martyr, a kargil hero…and his story. As we all know, it’s the 10th anniversary of kargil…Sepoy Uday singh, who laid down his life, at the age of 20, to capture the most important peak- tiger hill. His mother has still kept his bullet ridden wallet( which was kept in his chest poket) when he fell to a hail of bullets. He died with a bullet in his chest- the brave son of India. As I was saying , his mother has kept his wallet, and according to her wishes, half the wallet will put in her own pyre when she dies, and the other half will be exhumed to flames with the father. Both parents, broke down the day they were called to Kargil martyr ceremonies.

174 n counting. Illicit liquor killed so many in ahemadabd, Gujarat. We heard Modi lash out at Vijay Mallaya, and then go ahead n expound on principles of how gandhi’s land needs to be a prohibition state. Ive lived half my life in surat, and blive me, any liquor, any beer, any wine is available there…I had many friends who were rregular drinkers( I dint drink that time)…and especially at an area called gholwad, tables are spread across the street where u can have it jus like ur having at a bar in Bombay.

And modi talks of prohibition????

Only reason why it still makes sense in Gujarat is, bcoz the bribes, ranging from 55 lakhs to 1 crore 30 lakhs,od Umra police station in surat, to Allis bridge police station, respectiviely, goes directly into the cops hands, and of course the netas pokets. Great gandhian ideals!!!! If liquor would be lagalised, then it goes to the exchequer of the govt.

The 30th annual ‘Mooning of the trains’ festival was recently held in Orange country, LA. Where people reveal their buttoks to pasing trains. Well well, here, in Bombay, we have that event every single day, all u need is to board a local train and u will see, not just buttoks but much more…in different shapes ands sizes, and colors, of course.

See, that’s what u call a gap of perspectives.
Talking of gap, here’s this cartoon, where 2 oldies chatting by a bar stool, reveal their dilemma- Granpa says….o yes, I hav a huge generation gap in my own house…im comfortable with orkut, and my grandson is into tweeting.

It’s just mid-day and theres so much to talk, so much to share and so much to think about.

How can I forget that mad guy I saw at sion signal, he was waving his hands vilently in the air, as if to reach out something:: who knows, since he is waving to god, for his time could be near. But as of now, my time is up for writing. Will make a move….

Will add more saga to the day later in the nite…