Wednesday, August 21, 2013


Generation. Or New Generation. Or De-generation.

It sent me thinking...when my 10 year old daughter, now just studying in 5th, was instructed at school to wear an inners. Inners on days when PT class or games is there. Reason was: Girl's panties shouldn't be seen. Boys will stare.


Cut back to my childhood....where even i've been a kid, a teenager, an adult....
Still remember that during school days, we were just too naughty, too much full of innocent harmless fun. Yes, in school, once we did stand under the staircase....and there was a bet to spot-n-bet which colour-panty a girl is wearing. Fine. Fun was over. Bet was a bottle of Thumsup.

Never did one of us have any other thoughts. Lust/ vulgar/dirty/pervert....well, these were terms unknown even when we reached 9th std. 

Cut back to now.

Where 2 year old' girls are raped. 65 year old granma's are raped. Scandals like DPS surface now and then. Man rapes his great-grand daughter....all of 9months. It's just yesterday's news.

For the fear of being sounding like a dadaji.....well, im just wondering.....

Is this age of pervert minds? Is it that even 4 yr olds are not going to be spared? Will by safe? Even if she doesn't wear inners in her 4th Standard PT class???


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